Home Arts & Entertainment New Experiences for Touch of Gold

New Experiences for Touch of Gold

By: Ladaisha Brown

Touch of Gold is the color guard and twirling line at TJC. Touch of Gold has been around for about 6 years. However, this year they will have their first winter guard.

Usually, the color guard and twirlers aren’t combined together but at TJC they are showcased as one. “The name “Touch of Gold” came from the “unity” of combing them as one,” said Director Jenna Haick.

The difference between color guard and twirlers is that the twirlers use a skinny rod and do more dancing. In color guard, they use a flag or riffle, and the team is bigger and does less dancing.

Anyone can join the team; being in the band isn’t required. Signing up, students will have to go through an audition process. Last fall, there were 15 people on the team, and currently there are nine members.

Anyone who joins the team automatically earns a scholarship. To keep the scholarship requires maintaining a 2.0 GPA or above and taking 12 or more credit hours.

This Spring, Touch of Gold is bringing something new to the table. They will have their first ever winter guard. Winter guard isn’t something new for other schools, but it is new to TJC.

Winter guard is a different type of performing for color guard and twirlers because it’s done inside. “Winter guard is like theater arts but with movement,” said Haick. Since this is Touch of Gold’s first year doing winter guard they won’t really do any competitions, but they will showcase their talents at different high schools.

Soon Touch of Gold hopes to start competing during winter guard season. Since this is the first semester they will just get the feel of things.

During winter guard this semester, Touch of Gold will visit different high schools and perform. They plan to go to Dallas, Houston and some local Tyler schools to perform. They will perform at two schools one day, stay the night and do two other schools the next day. The goal is to hit four schools in each city.

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